Right hand, right knee up steps=right-left & up
Left hand, left knee up steps=left-right & up
Protect the ball with 2 hands on the same side
Palm facing the basket 1st, then finger roll
No step, 1 step, 2 steps, 1 dribble,
multiple dribbles, off of the pass
-Balance- good base with shooting foot in front
-Elbow- under the ball with wrist cocked
-Eyes- see a spot on the rim
-Follow through- Feel your Fingers(ball comes off the 1st two fingers)
Shooting pocket (swing your arm into the shooting pocket)
On the floor- imaginary shot no ball
On the floor-form shot to yourself with ball
Imaginary shooting- with partner, no ball
Form shooting- with partner with ball
Off of the backboard, 1 hand
Shooting ladder, 1 hand (make 2-step back)
Make 2 free throws
1. Dunleavy Drill( on the move) 
2. Hot Shot

1 .Swish (from 3')
3. Beat Bill Bradley

2 .Streak
4. Knock Out, Zap. etc. 
3.High five
5. Horse. Follow The Leader 
Game shots, Game spots, Game speed
Shooting Pocket
To solve the problem of arm position on your shot, learn where your shooting pocket is. Let your shooting arm hang down at your side and swing it back and forth and several times. Swing it up toward your shoulder and hold it when it stops. This position is your shooting pocket and is the position that the ball should be in when you begin your jump shot.
Shooting Progression
Because form is so important in shooting, work on making that form a habit is very important. An easy way to do this is to lay on your back and shoot the ball straight up into the air. It is very easy to check on the position of the ball, follow through, and rotation. The ball should go straight up and come straight down with proper back spin. This can be done before going to sleep at night or while watching TV during commercials.
Develop a Routine
One of the most important aspects of becoming a good free throw shooter is to develop a routine. Your routine should be something that you are comfortable with and that you can do every time you go to the free throw line. Your routine can consist of bouncing the ball the same number of times, wiping your hands, taking a breath, etc. The idea behind this comes from the fact that free throw shooting is "muscle memory." You are teaching your muscles to react the same way every time. Your routine helps this "memory."
Free Throw Shooting
Follow these tips to learn the freethrow: 1. If you are right-handed, line up your right foot (left foot if you are left handed) so it's lined up with the front center of the rim 2. Set up your opposite foot, comfortably at about a 45 degree angle for balance. 3. Get a good feel for the ball by bouncing it a couple of times or spinning it in your hands. This will become your routine. 4. Grip the ball so it is comfortable in your shooting hand. 5. Bend your knees, focus on the rim and exhale. Make sure to take a deep breath to relax. 6. In a fluid motion, shoot from wherever you feel comfortable shooting from with your shooting hand only. 7. Grip the ball with just your fingertips. Your palms should not touch the ball. 8. Make sure you have a constant relaxed follow thru so you get proper rotation. Once you have established a routine, use it every time.
Line Up for Your Free Throw
When you have mastered the proper technique for free throw shooting, you simply need to make sure that your body is lined up properly in order to ensure accuracy on your shot. The big toe on your strong foot (the foot on the same side of your body as your shooting hand), your shooting elbow, and your shooting forefinger should all align with the center of the rim when you are shooting properly.
Position at the Foul Line
The best way to line yourself up for a free throw is to find the nail hole that is on most free throw lines. This is a hole that the painters left by pounding a hole in the center of the free throw line in order to line everything else up. When positioned properly for a free throw, the big toe of your strong foot (the foot on the side of the arm you shoot with) should be lined up with the nail hole.
Shoot When Tired
When you get tired while doing drills, stop and shoot some free throws. In addition to getting practice shooting free throws, you will be simulating game-like conditions in that you will have to shoot free throws when tired.
Remembering the BEEF is good way to learn to become a better foul shooter.BEEF stands for... B-balance-get on the foul line and get your balance. E-eyes-see the rim. E-elbow-try to get your elbow under the basketball F-follow thru-an essential part of all shooting. Make sure you follow thru with a constant, relaxed release.
Balance in Shooting
Your body must be balanced and relaxed when shooting the basketball. Here are some guidelines to good balance. First, your feet should be about shoulder width apart in order to give you a strong base. Secondly, your strong foot (the foot on the same side of your body as your shooting hand) should be about a half step ahead of the other. Finally, your head should be centered. This will keep you balanced throughout the shot and allow you to shoot without having to make adjustments. All people are built differently, so if any of these are a little off, yet you are still comfortable - that is what is important.
Form Shooting
A great way for young players to work on their form is to shoot the ball back and forth to each other. Each youngster should try to shoot to their partner's head. They can then "shoot" the ball back and forth, trying to hit the target. They can check each other for proper shooting techniques, but there isn't the pressure of having to put the ball in the basket.
Give your shot some arc
Get the ball up in he air with a nice high arc. The arc will give you a bigger margin of error and a softer shot. A soft shot will sometimes get a good bounce a roll in because of your "shooter's touch"
Good Shooters
A shooter is as good as the shots he takes. Take shots that you practice and you make alot of. If you take those shots, chances are you will be a good shooter. If you take bad shots, you are probably not going to make many in a game.
Groove Your Shot
When you begin shooting at the start of any session, you should begin close to the basket, and work your way out. Start one step from the basket and shoot with one hand. You can check the position of the ball in your hands, the position of your elbow under the ball, whether you are keeping your eyes on your target, and your follow-through. We have our players shoot from this spot until they hit five consecutive shots hitting nothing but net. Then they take one big step backward and repeat, now using their guide hand and legs. They continue to do this all the way back to the free throw line, hitting five straight "nothing but net" shots each time. After they hit five free throws this way, they are free to begin free shooting. The advantage to this technique is that players get a chance to hit quite a few shots, building confidence, but also developing proper shooting technique.
Hand Position on the Ball
One of the problems with young players being told to shoot with their fingertips is that they hold the ball on their fingertips. In order to control the ball, it has to rest on all of the pads on the shooting hand except the large pad under the little finger. Then, when shooting, the ball should come off the fingertips as it leaves the shooter's hand.
Hold your follow through
In order to get proper rotation on a shot, the shooter's follow-through must be correct. The best way to do this is to make sure that after the ball is released, the shooter's arm is fully extended at an approximately 45 degree angle(so the elbow is above the eye)and the hand flops over at the wrist like you are "waving goodbye" to the ball
See the Rim
When shooting any shot, your eyes must be on your target through the entire shooting process. For a jump shot, you want to focus on an exact spot on the rim. Some players see the front of the rim, some look at the back. Find what is good for you and look at that spot every time that you shoot.
Shot awareness
Exercises in shot awareness will lead to great learning! Spend a certain amount of time on a court consistently doing exercises in shot awareness. Try to be aware of what you are doing that makes your shot miss. The body learns through choices between subtle alternatives. But it has to know exactly what happened and what created the results, in order to create a different end result and learn. If you shoot short one time and then long the next and have no idea how you did either, there will be no real learning.
Shot Fakes
Before shooting while being guarded by a person that is taller than you, pump faking is a very good thing to do. A pump fake is also called a shot fake. Your opponent may jump up which leaves you free for a open shot or lay-up.
Learn the jumpshot
Make sure you have the proper, comfortable stance and balance. See the rim. Extend your wrist backwards. The basketball should rest on your fingerpads. Try to keep your elbow in and under the ball Use your legs... the longer the shot, the more you use your legs. Raise the ball smoothly and in one, fluid motion. Finish high with your arm to get good "arc" on the shot. Flop your wrist with a constant, relaxed follow through to get that backspin for a "shooter's touch".
Leg Lift
One of the keys to being a good jump shooter is leg lift. Once you have mastered technique, leg lift can often be the key to your shot. Try an experiment. Shoot a normal jump shot from a distance you are comfortable. Pay attention to how much you use your arms. Now shoot the same shot with the same amount of effort from your arms, but keep your legs locked. Chances are, you won't get the ball to the rim. Leg lift gives you the strength to shoot well. Catch the UpForce!
Shooting Range
One of the determining factors in whether a shot is a good one or not is if it is taken within your shooting range. A good way to determine your shooting range is to take ten jump shots from the foul line. After completing this, run two or three hard wind sprints. Then move your jump shooting back a foot or two. If you are still comfortable shooting, repeat the procedure. Continue shooting and running until you feel yourself struggling to shoot the ball. At this point, you are outside your range. This is a good way to determine your range because during a game, you have to shoot while tired. This drill allows you to shoot under game conditions and gives you a better idea of your true range.
Smooth shot
Your legs are as important as your arms in shooting a jump shot because they generate the strength you need to shoot the ball. The shot starts all the way in your toes and you must "uncoil" with a nice smooth rhythm from your toes, ankles, knees, waist, shoulder, elbow, wrist and fingers. Whether you are a good jumper or not, you must get your legs into your shot in order to shoot a consistent jump shot.
The release
When using a jump shot, make sure that when you go up to release the ball, you release as you reach the top of your jump. This allows you to use all of your leg lift in your shot. To accomplish this, begin your shooting motion on your way up. A common mistake is to release to late and, ultimately, shoot on the way down. This causes the shooter to lose a tremendous amount of force. With practice, you will get your timing down.
Preparation for the Layup
In PREPARATION for a right handed layup get a good angle to the backboard. You can do this by making sure that you pass between the "block" and the first free throw lane hash mark. I call this the "driveway". Your steps should be: right foot - left foot & up. For a left handed layup your steps are: left foot right foot & up. You can practice these while simply walking without a ball. Then try with a ball and no dribble. Work up to shooting them off of one dribble then finally, a full dribble from 1/2 court.
Shooting a Layup
During the ACTION phase for a right handed layup you want your right knee up, and for a left handed layup you want your left knee up. You should explode upward trying to put your knee through the bottom of the basket. It is important to protect the ball with 2 hands on the same side as your shooting hand. Your elbow should be under the ball with wrist cocked and your eyes focused on a spot in the square on the backboard.
Layup follow thru
When first learning to shoot, the FOLLOW THRU should be the same as a regular shot. Your palm is facing the basket, with the ball coming off of the 1st two fingers. Flop over the wrist to get backspin on the ball for a nice soft shot. Later, when a player can jump higher, the palm can face skyward and lay the ball up softly off of the backboard with very little spin. Try not to spin the ball and be too "fancy". This should be a sure TWO POINTS-make sure that you make it.
Hook Shot- the hook shot and its variations, are not that difficult to learn are a great addition to any players offensive arsenal around the basket. Because it is a shot used generally from inside 10’-12’ you can use your weak and strong hands for effective hook shooting. Learning the hook shot with either hand doubles your options and puts the defense at a disadvantage in the red zone. Effective use of the hooks forces your opponent to respect the shot, and a fake hook can create an opening in the opposite
direction for a power move, drive, or pass.
Sweeping Hook - The classic hook shot was shot used since the very early days of the game, but was really popularized by the great George Mikan of the old Minneapolis Lakers. Mikan was the first really dominant big man and forced the NBA to widen the “key” from 6’ to 12’ so that it no longer even looks like a key.
The fundamental footwork the Hook shot is somewhat similar to a layup. Takeoff for the hook is from the “non-shooting foot” (the foot opposite the shooting hand). With your back to the basket, step so that the non-shooting foot is perpendicular to the target point (the basket) and rotate your body ninety degrees so that the shoulder of the non-shooting arm is pointing directly at the basket. The shooting arm is extended away from the defense and completes a sweeping overhead arc toward the basket, in the same ninety degree plane as the body.
SkyHook- The evolution of the hook shot continued with Lew Alcindor from UCLA (who later changed his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) Alcindor would actually elevate from the floor and upon full extension of his seven foot frame and long arm, would shoot a nearly unblockable shot that led to him becoming the all time leading scorer in NBA history. Many times he would set up the shot with a ball or head fake away from the direction he would turn to get the defender a little off balance. The footwork for the SkyHook is, basically, the same as in the original hook. Alcindor (Jabbar) would sometimes step first with his shooting foot and then plant his non-shooting foot covering plenty of ground, similar to the footwork when shooting a layup. At that point he would rise into the SkyHook and, more often than not, put another two points on the board.
Jump Hook-While not the originator of the JumpHook former Houston Rocket Hakeem Olajauwon certainly made effective use of it. Olajauwon may have had the best footwork of any post player in the history of the game. He had a variety of shots and would, quite often, fake one way before stepping back thru and going a different way. Again with your back to the basket step, or pivot, so that the non-shooting foot is perpendicular to the target point (the basket) and rotate your body ninety degrees so that the shoulder of the non-shooting arm is pointing directly at the basket. Rather than shooting off of one foot, the JumpHook is executed with a jump off of both feet. While rotating the body, slide the non-shooting hand along the surface of the ball so that it ends up directly between the basket and the ball. The shooting hand continues to face the basket. If you are shooting with your right hand, your forearm should be vertical and the ball should be directly over your right shoulder. This protects the ball a little better than the jump hook, as the ball remains closer to the body. To make yourself as tall as possible, your shooting arm should be fully extended, with only a slight bend at the elbow. The release for the jump hook is a follow thru with the wrist very similar to the jump shot, almost “throwing the ball” very softly at the basket.
The hook shot series, when used with both hands, will make players most effective around the basket and enable them to score against much taller defenders.
44 Point shooting
Shooting workout either alone and spinning the ball to yourself or in partners off of a pass. The player goes through a series of 7 shots 3 times each determined by the coach that fits into their offense. From each wing we use 1)catch and shoot 2)catch-baseline drive 3)catch dribble baseline jumper 4)catch-jab-crossover & drive 5)catch-jab-step back-shot 6) catch-jab-head fake-drive 7)catch-shot fake-2 dribble jumper. The key is to take GAME SHOTS FROM GAME SPOTS AT GAME SPEED with constant movement in between shots. Finish with 2 free throws. 7 shots x 3 times each x 2 pts + 2 FT = 44 pts. An improved score and completing the drill in a shorter time indicates improvement.
Dunleavy Drill ( on the move) 
Shooting workout either alone and spinning the ball to yourself or in partners off of a pass. The player goes through a series of shots. The key is to take GAME SHOTS FROM GAME SPOTS AT GAME SPEED with constant movement in between shots by either touching the sidelines or half court. Shoot free throws when you are tired.
Hot Shot
Shoot for 30 seconds or a minute from designated spots, each worth a point total. Top of the Key=5, Elbows=4, corners=3, layups=1. Give a 10 pt bonus if they shoot from each spot.

Beat Bill Bradley
Shooting workout done alone. 1 pt for each made shot. 2 pts for Bill Bradley for each miss. Play to 11. 
Knock Out, Zap, Lightning, etc.
Line of shooters at the free throw line. 1st two players with a ball. Player#1 shoots until he makes it, getting his own rebound on a miss. Player#2 shoots and if he makes his shot BEFORE #1, #1 is out. Ball is returned to the line and game continues until the one player left is the winner.
First player(#1) in line shoots from a spot , and if he makes it all of the following players must shoot the same shot. If they miss, they get a letter. If #1 misses, the next player in line gets to choose a spot. Repeat
Follow The Leader
First player in line shoots from a spot, and all of the following players must shoot the same shot. Can be a competitive group drill up to a specified number.
A great way to practice your shooting is to play a game against yourself called 7-Up. Start by taking a shot that you have to make seven consecutive times before moving on. For instance, when starting out, you might want to shoot layups. If at any time you miss, start over until you have hit seven consecutive. After hitting seven consecutive shots, move on to a slightly more difficult shot that you have to hit six consecutive times. Continue shooting until you are shooting a shot that you have to make just one time. Remember, each shot should be slightly more challenging than the last. You can get quite a good workout this way.
Trojans Transition Shooting
Line of players starts at half court (with a full team, work both sides simultaneously). One player starts under the basket with a ball. First player in line sprints toward the basket and receives a pass for a jump shot. The passer sprints at the shooter and continues running, receiving a pass from the next person in line. The shooter retrieves his ball and passes to the next person n line for a shot. The original passer receives the pass at half court and dribbles to the opposite basket, making an open court move (in-n-out, hesitation, etc) at the three-point line and then makes a lay-up. He retrieves his ball and heads to the end of the line at half court.
3 with 2 shooting
Start with 3 players outside the arc, 2 of which have a ball, hence 3 with 2. One of the players (player 1) starts by shooting a 3, rebounding his shot, passing to the player without a ball (player 3) and relocating outside the arc. After player 1 shoots, player 2 shoots a 3, rebounds his shot, passes to the player without a ball, (which is now player 1) and relocates outside the arc. This continues with a player shooting, rebounding his shot, passing to the player without a ball and relocating outside the arc. We go for time, usually somewhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
We then do everything exactly the same except everyone shot fakes, 1 or 2 dribbles and a jump shot. Thirdly, we have them drive hard to the basket for a layup. We try to have them get there in 2 dribbles max.
hand, try to make the basket WITHOUT hitting the rim. Shoot until you hit the rim or miss- then it’s your partners turn. Play to 10. Add your guide hand later.
Shoot Free Throws alone or with a partner. Shoot until you miss - then it’s your partners turn. Play to 10.
Shoot Free Throws alone or with a partner. If the shot swishes or hits the back of the rim and come directly back to the shooter(without moving), the shot is worth 5 pts. If the shooter moves it is worth 3. If it hits the rim TWICE or more it is worth 1. A miss is MINUS 2 pts. Play to 16 pts.
Shooting workout either alone or with a partner. Like “Around the World” When you make a shot from one spot, you can move to the next spot. Count total shot to complete the “course”.
The object of this drill is to make two free throws at each of six baskets. Each player starts with a ball at a basket. The player has 3 shots to make 2 at each basket. If the player makes 2 shots at a basket, he / she moves to the next basket and repeats the process. If a player does not make 2 shots at a basket, he / she must move back one basket. When the player arrives at the last basket, he / she must make 2 shots in a row. Add time limitations, consequences for finishing last, etc.
Line up the entire team on the baseline. Bring them one at a time to the foul line. They shoot 1 and 1. If they make both ends of the 1 & 1, the next player in line shoots. If they miss the front-end of the 1 & 1, the team sprints down to the opposite base line and back. If they make the front-end and miss the back-end, the team sprints down to the other baseline and stops. Continue until every player has a turn.
Put at least one player and one basketball at each of the six baskets. Even the rest of the team so that there are no more than three players at a basket. The players must shoot one and one at each basket in a specified time limit. If you miss your first shot you go to the end of the line at your basket. You cannot rotate baskets until you have made both ends of the one and one. Be prepared for backlogs at baskets where poor shooters are stuck. Good shooters can complete a six-basket rotation in five minutes. Once the start command is given the drill doesn’t stop until time expires. They must rebound their own miss and pass to the next shooter in line. Stick to the time limit. It adds the element of pressure to the shooters.
The entire team lines up around the lane. Choose someone to shoot 2 free throws. If they make both, the team doesn’t run. If they miss one, the whole team does a down and back. If they miss both, the whole team runs a suicide. Have three people shoot each day that means everyone will shoot once a week. This provides the team some incentive to make free throws as well as providing them with some pressure to make the shots. Look for the players that volunteer to shoot versus the ones who try to hide. This helps make decisions on late game substitutions easier.
Let each player shoot free throws for a specific time period, say five or ten minutes. Count the largest number of shots made in a row. Also keep up with the largest number of misses in a row. Subtract the difference for a net score.
Five players with two balls take positions around the foul line area. The first player with the ball takes a free throw shot. If he makes the basket he takes the ball for a second shot. This continues until he misses a shot. Then we rotate and the next player takes his position. If a player hits ten in a row he is the winner.
You need at least three players in a group. Have them shoot five each, rotating around the key. The player that is going to shoot next is jumping rope. Not casually jumping rope but speed jumping.
Give each player a ball and use all the baskets in the gym. Place two players at each basket. Player 1 at the line steps up and shoots the front end of a one and one. If he makes it he automatically shoots his second shot. If he makes his second shot he rotates to the next basket. If the player misses the front end of the one and one he rebounds his ball and dribbles sprints the entire length of the floor 2 times. He then returns to the basket where he missed his free throw. If he makes the first, but misses the second, he rebounds his miss and dribble sprints the length of the floor and automatically rotates to the next basket. The first player to make it around the horn, must return to his home basket. The player now must make both ends of the one and one to win. If they miss this shot they must rebound the miss and dribble sprint the length of the floor one time and attempt the front end again at their home basket. The first player to complete the around the horn and makes two straight at their home basket wins.
You will need to find a board such as a 2 x 4 that is about two feet long. Hammer nails down the length of the board about 2 or 3 inches apart. Make sure you have a nail for each player on the roster. Make each player a nametag and punch a hole in it. Hang each at random on each nail to start the competition. Try to do this drill everyday. Each player on the board pairs up with his opponent for that day. We try to shoot 50 but at least 10 a day. Whoever makes the most wins and moves up. The only way to advance is to beat a player that’s above you. The player in the top spot shoots every other day to allow players in the #3 and below spot to move up. It’s a lot of fun and adds to the competition when you mix the varsity and J.V. together. You can play this game all year for a trophy.
Place a team at each end of the floor lined up around the free throw lane with one ball. For example, A team vs. B team. Coach says begin and each player shoots two free throws and rotates. A swish is worth 2 points. It the ball hits the rim or backboard and goes in its worth one. A miss is minus one. You cannot go below zero. The first team to 16 wins.
The drill is designed to add an element of game-like pressure to shooting foul shots in practice. Divide the team in half and let each group go to a goal with one ball. The two “teams” will start with a tie score, for example 60 – 60, and each player will shoot a one and one. The first team to 70 wins the game. If one player misses the front end and his “opponent” hits, that team must wait until the opponent shoots the bonus. This allows each team the same number of shooters. Play best out of three changing ends after each game. It should take around ten minutes to complete the drill. You may want to have the losing team run a sprint / suicide for each point they lose by. Another way to reward an individual is to make a rule that if you don’t miss a shot but your team loses, you don’t have to run.
Two teams compete against each other. Each player shoots one shot and rotates. Starting score is ten. A miss adds a point to the total and a made free throw subtracts a point. Object is to get to zero first.
Players shoot a designated number of free throws and run a windsprint or conditioning drill for each miss.
Have every player in a line jogging around the gym. The team will run non-stop until the coach calls a player’s name to shoot while the others continue to run. If “A” makes his shot he lines up on the free throw line waiting for the next player called to shoot. If he misses the shot he gets back on the train and runs. If the second player “B” makes his shot, following a make by “A”, we have two lined up waiting on the next shooter. If the 3rd player “C” misses, he takes off running and takes player “A” and “B” stays. We might end up with five players lined up resting while the next shooter comes to the line. On a miss the first player in the line will also have to run. The team gets two tickets for the train on every miss. This drill is a lot of fun.
The player starts out with five points. If the ball goes in without touching the rim or the backboard he gets one point. If it goes in after it hits the rim or the backboard, his score stays the same. If he misses the shot he loses one point. If the player gets 10 points they win, it they get down to 0 they lose.
The shooter starts out with zero points and the game will end with twelve points. Shooter gets one point for a make; the imaginary opponent gets two points for a miss.
The coach puts players at a basket in pairs, a shooter and a rebounder. If you are going for ten in a row the player has to tell the coach after he hits his 7th shot. I like to know with three shot’s left to add to the pressure. The shooter and rebounder switch positions after every miss.
The main idea of this drill is that you make 25 points. After you shoot the free throw, you grab your own rebound and score under the hoop. You have to make the free throw and the short shot to earn a point. The shooter must get to the ball before the second bounce on the floor. We give the players one bounce in order to complete his follow through and not rush the shot.
Players shoot 10 free throws. The only baskets that count are the ones that don’t hit the rim. This requires lots of focus and the proper amount of arch on the shot.
Players work in groups of three. We need a shooter, a rebounder, and a recorder. We are looking for the total number made and any streaks of 25 out of 25. If players are advanced and constantly hitting 25 straight, challenge them to have 15 no iron shots.
Players divide into two groups on each end of the court. Each player gets a one and one shot. Keep up with the total of shots made in a row by the group. If the group has 7 straight makes and the next man misses he runs 8 laps or sprints.
The team forms a circle around the lane area. Each player steps to the line for 3 shots. The rest of the guys talk noise and try to distract the shooters focus by being silly. You cannot touch the shooter and must stay outside the lane. The player will run a suicide for each miss after every player has had a chance to shoot. This drill is a lot of fun and always good for a laugh.
All 12 team members line up on the baseline. Each player must step to the line and shoot one shot. If the first player misses the team runs 12 sprints to 1/2 court and back. After a short break (about 30 seconds standing on the baseline) the next guy steps to the line. If he misses we run 11 sprints. The team will not run on makes and drop to the next number. Let the team members volunteer who wants to shoot. You’ll find out how has confidence in his shot and also who the team has confidence in at the line. This is a great drill to get teams attention. Let them know how much you run is up to them.
This drill attempts to simulate the game situation where the free throw shooter is fatigued. Use all your baskets and break the players up into groups of three. At each basket, there is one shooter, one rebounder and one “runner”. The shooter shoots two free throws, while the rebounder rebounds for the shooter, and the runner sprits a lap. After shooting the two free throws we rotate and the “runner” shoots.
Line the team up at one basket and put a tie score on the scoreboard, say 70 – 70. Each player takes one foul shot. For the make we get one point and for each miss our opponent gets two points. We shoot until every player takes a foul shot. If we lose the game we run and start again.